Jean-Luc Le Cam (ENG)

le camJean-Luc Le Cam, Associate Professor in Early Modern History at  University of Western Brittany (Université de Bretagne Occidentale), Brest, France, Researcher at the CRBC (Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique)

Studies in Ecole Normale Supérieure de Saint-Cloud, Universities of Nanterre (Paris X), Göttingen, and Paris IV-Sorbonne. Doctorate of History in Paris IV-Sorbonne.

Member (hon.) of the Institut Universitaire de France, of the redaction board of the review Histoire de l’Education, of the board of the German Arbeitskreis für die Vormoderne in der Erziehungsgeschichte

Domains of research: History of Education, Early Modern Lutheranism, History of the Holy Empire, History of Universities, History of Death, History of Books


Selected bibliography related with the topic:

« Les élites du Brunswick face à l’humanisme », in : Klaus Malettke, Jürgen Voss  (dir.), Humanismus und höfisch-städtische Eliten im 16. Jahrhundert, Bonn, Röhrscheid, 1989, p. 91-129.

«  A la recherche de l’autodidaxie dans les sermons funèbres allemands (1550-1750) », Willem Frijhoff (dir.),  L’autodidaxie, n° spécial de Histoire de l’éducation 70, mai 1996, p. 29-47.

« Reproduktion, Ausdifferenzierung, Seitenwege. Bildungsgänge in ratsverwandten Familien im Spiegel von Leichenpredigten (1520-1720) », in : Juliane Jacobi, Jean-Luc Le Cam, Hans-Ulrich Musolff (dir.), Vormoderne Bildungsgänge. Selbst- und Fremdbeschreibungen in der frühen Neuzeit, Köln, Weimar, Wien, Böhlau, 2010, p. 149-168.

« Les universités du Saint-Empire à l’époque moderne : problématiques, concepts, tendances historiographiques», in : Les universités en Europe à l’époque moderne, Colloque de l’Ahmuf, Paris-Sorbonne, 21 janvier 2010, Bulletin de l’Association des Historiens Modernistes des Universités Françaises 36, Paris, PUPS, 2013, p. 265-345.

« Les biographies funèbres (Leichenpredigten) de l’Allemagne luthérienne : une source sérielle pour l’histoire universitaire de l’époque moderne », Atelier Héloïse 2013, European Workshop on Historical Academic Databases, Bologne, 3-5 juin 2013


Rüdiger Schnell (Ed.), Zivilisationsprozesse, Zu Erziehungsschriften in der Vormoderne, Köln, Weimar, Wien: Böhlau, 2004. Francia 34/2, 2007, p. 287-289.

Cornelia Niekus Moore, Patterned Lives. The Lutheran Funeral Biography in Early Modern Germany, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2006. Bulletin MHFA 44, 2008, p. 400-403

Claudia Kollbach, Aufwachsen bei Hof. Aufklärung und fürstliche Erziehung in Hessen und Baden, Frankfurt a. M., Campus, 2009. Francia Recensio 2010/4.

Jean Hiernard, Denise Turrel,Yannis Delmas-Rigoutsos (dir.), Les routes européennes du savoir: Vita peregrinatio, fin du moyen âge-XVIIe siècle. Paris : Les Indes savantes, 2011, 343 p, Histoire de l’Education 135, 2012, p. 92-94.

„Gerrit Deutschländer: Dienen lernen, um zu herrschen: Eine eindrückliche Studie zur höfischen Erziehung“ (Recension de Gerrit Deutschländer: Dienen lernen, um zu herrschen. Höfische Erziehung im ausgehenden Mittelalter (1450-1550). Berlin: Akademie Verlag 2012), in: Bildungsgeschichte. International Journal for the History of Education 1, 2014, p. 118-120.


The Ideal Education of Lutheran German-Speaking Nobility Viewed Through the Prism of Biographic Information in Funeral Sermons: The Example of Otto Magnus von Dönhoff (1665-1717)

The Lutheran Reformation led to significant transformations of funerary practices. They resulted in combining an exegetical sermon with a funeral oration in form of a biography honoring the deceased and helping to instruct the community through the example of his pious life and death. The elites have become soon accustomed to then publish these sermons with their appended biographies as reminders, and some persons or institutions to collect them as devotional literature or biographical archives. Nobility is of course primarily concerned with these social and religious practices.

This source is of great interest for the study of education, which it always mentions as one of the founding elements, with family background, of the life course of the departed. The precise details which are given suggest that most elements of these curricula were prepared in advance by the departed or his entourage, and in any case, the authors of these texts should also respect the expectations and specific values of the distinguished audience who attended the funeral. This is why the educational ideals of the nobility necessarily were reflected in these funeral biographies.

The paper presents in a first part the interest and limits of this source for the history of education and for the specific theme of this conference. Then it will show through a qualitative and rhetorical analysis of a funeral biography how it can reveal the ideal of education of nobility. We take the exemplary case of Count Otto Magnus of Dönhoff (1665-1717), a good representative of the Prussian military nobility whose upbringing and education took place from Berlin, where he was born, to East Prussia and Poland, where his family was established and had various connections, then at the university of Leiden, to finish with a Grand Tour trough Netherland, England and France. In a third part, we briefly conclude with some contrary cases that are not less instructive.

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Maria Golovnya (24. September 2014). Jean-Luc Le Cam (ENG). Ideal of Education among the European Nobilities (17th - Early 19th Century). Abgerufen am 9. September 2024 von

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