Leading Researcher at Historical Anthropology and History of Everyday Life Center of RAS Universal History Institute, Doctor of Historical Sciences.
Research interests: history of Russia in 17th-18th centuries, everyday history, education and enlightenment history, childhood history, historical research methodology.
Member of editorial board of ‘Odissei. Chelovek v istorii’ (Odysseus. Man in History) yearbook.
Publications related to the subject of the conference:
- “Свое детство” в Древней Руси и в России эпохи Просвещения (XVI-XVIII вв.). М.: УРАО, 2000. – 319 с.
- Феномены школы и ученичества в православной культуре: проблема изучения московских училищ XVII в.// Религиозное образование в России и Европе в XVII в. СПб., 2011. С.82-94.
- Идея воспитания «нового человека» в эпоху Просвещения в странах Западной Европы и России // Теория и практика воспитания «Нового человека» в истории педагогики (социально-политический контекст). М.: ИТИП РАО, 2008. – С.164 – 178.
- Тексты о воспитании детей в литературе российского барокко (школьные азбуковники XVII века) // Детство в научных, образовательных и художественных текстах. Казань: Казанский ун-т, – 2011. – С.14-21.
- «Грубоучащиеся ученики»: чудо преображения (экскурс в отечественную педагогическую мысль XVII столетия) // Историко-педагогический ежегодник за 2012 год. М.: АСОУ. – С.92-99.
- Провинности и наказания в воспитании российского юношества в XVIII столетии // Вина и позор в контексте становления современных европейских государств (XVI-XX вв.). СПб., 2011. 1 п.л. С.177-189.
- Государство как наставник: воспитательные образцы для просвещенного россиянина XVIII в. // Вопросы воспитания. – 2011. – № 1(6). С.78-90.
- Обучение в русской средневековой православной традиции// Одиссей. Человек в истории. 2010/2011. М., Наука. 2012. С.47-72.
- Воспитание подростков в Средневековой мысли Западной и Восточной Европы // Вопросы воспитания. – 2012, – № 3. – 78-90.
- Устрашение детей розгами в русских текстах XVII века: литературная традиция или реальность? // Электронный журнал История. 2013 г. № 6 (22). http://www.history.jes.su/issue.2013.4.11.6-22
- Kosheleva Olga. To Discipline Those Who Teach: The Penetration of Petrine Educational Reforms into Russian Educational Practice // Everyday Life in Russian History: Quotidian Studies in Honor of Daniel Kaiser. Bloomington, in: Slavica Publishers, 2010, С. 317–328.
Webpage: http://www.igh.ru/sectors/otdel-istoricheskoj-antropologii-i-istorii-povsednevnosti/)
Teaching the Art of Speaking Properly Among Young Russian Noblemen
This paper spotlights identification of substantial differences between Russian and West European communication codes in social behavior (in demonstration of politeness, insults etc.) and their expression in polite speech. The aspiration of Peter the Great to civilize his subjects undermines the basics of their traditional behavior, which had its semantic dominants and today cannot be characterized as just ‘rude’. In communication Russians were straightforward, emotional, told the truth to one’s face and self-depreciation was an accepted form of politeness. It looked as uncivility in eyes of foreigners, however Russians considered their behavior based on debonnaire rules to be hypocrisy and grimacing.
Guidebooks on teaching adolescents secular speech culture in pre-Peter and Peter times are examined. Delicate talks offered as samples in literature were worthless in terms of tradition but they shaped the new type of communication.
By the time of Catherine II Russian society that had adopted Western manners began to condemn them comparing them to Russian old-time talks that were declared true as they were built on ‘sincerity’ and ‘truth’. One of the most popular topics in educational literature of the time became condemnation of flatter and cherishing that implied Western politeness. Peter-time paradigm of teaching Western etiquette exhausted itself by the last quarter of the 18th century.
OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Maria Golovnya (24. September 2014). Olga Kosheleva (ENG). Ideal of Education among the European Nobilities (17th - Early 19th Century). Abgerufen am 9. September 2024 von https://doi.org/10.58079/o312