Jean-Luc Le Cam: “The Ideal Education of Lutheran German-Speaking Nobility Viewed Through the Prism of Biographic Information in Funeral Sermons: The Example of Otto Magnus von Dönhoff (1665-1717)”

With the spread of funeral orations focusing on the biography of the deceased due to change of funeral processes in connection to the Lutheran Reformation we have an increase of accounts of the education of nobility. In his talk Jean-Luc Le Cam examines the case study of Count Otto Magnus of Dönhoff (1665-1717), a representative of the Prussian military nobility, who studied all over Europe.

You can find the entire abstract here.

OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Max Weber Stiftung (21. November 2014). Jean-Luc Le Cam: “The Ideal Education of Lutheran German-Speaking Nobility Viewed Through the Prism of Biographic Information in Funeral Sermons: The Example of Otto Magnus von Dönhoff (1665-1717)” Ideal of Education among the European Nobilities (17th - Early 19th Century). Abgerufen am 9. September 2024 von

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