Maciej Serwański (ENG)

Serwanski photo1Full Professor at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland), Institute of History. Head of the Chair of History of Culture. Main fields of research: Modern universal history from the 16th to the 18th century; history of France and Polish-French relations; early modern history of Poland in the European context; problems of noble’s education; theory and practice of teaching history.


Yekaterina Tumanik (ENG)

Tumaniuk photoCandidate (Ph.D) of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher at History Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch (Novosibirsk). Main research interests: Decembrist movement, history of exile to Siberia in the first half of the 19th century, administration and management of Siberia in the first half – middle of the 19th century, Siberia descriptions in the first half of the 19th century, history of Bible translations in Russia (19th century), culture and mentality of Siberian merchantry of the first half of the 19th century, spiritual identification of Russian noble intellectuals in early to middle 19th century.


Andrei Andreev (ENG)


Doctor of Historical Sciences, Full Professor, teaches at the Chair of Russian History of the 19th and early 20th centuries at History Department of Lomonosov MSU. Member of Expert Board on History at Higher Attestation Commission of RF Ministry of Education, member of Expert Board of Russian Foundation for Humanities and Foundation on Awards in memory of Moscow Metropolitan Macarius (Bulgakov). Head of History Chair at Church-Wide Center for Post Graduate and Doctoral Training, professor at Chair of National History and Archival Studies at Saint-Tikhon Orthodox University of Humanities.


Albrecht Burkardt (ENG)

Burkardt_photo1He studied History and German at the universities of Berlin, Bochum, Florence and Paris. He has been Maître de Conférences at the University Lumière Lyon 2 since 1999, and is now a Professor for Early Modern History at the university of Limoges. His research is concentrated on religious history, especially of the 16th and 17th centuries, on the cult of saints and the Roman Inquisition, as well as on the history of travel.


Ivo Cerman (ENG)

cerman photoLecturer in modern history at the University of South Bohemia. He has studied history and English studies in Prague, and history in Tübingen. His main academic interest lies in the field of moral philosophy and natural law in the 18th century. He has written extensively on aristocracy and Enlightenment in Central Europe.


Dmitry Alexeevich Redin (ENG)

Redin photoDoctor of Historical Sciences, deputy director of research at History and Archeology Institute of Ural Branch of the Russian academy of Sciences, Head of Department of Russian history at the UralFederalUniversity, chairman of Dissertation council of historical sciences at UFU.

Graduate of Maxim Gorky Ural StateUniversity (Ekaterinburg). Specialized at the Department of History of the USSR of pre-Soviet period / Department of History of Russia under the leadership of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor R.G. Pihoya and Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate professor V.I. Baidin. In 1988-1989 was an intern at the Moscow State Historical Archives Institute (now – part of the Russian State Humanitarian University) at the Department of auxiliary historical disciplines, took part in seminars of professors S.M. Kashtanov, V.B. Kobrin, A.I. Komissarenko, O.M. Medushevskaya, S.O. Schmidt. Weiterlesen

Vladislav Rjeoutski (ENG)

rjeoutski_2Passed his Ph.D. defense in 2003. Teaching experience in France and the U.K. Managed two international research projects: “The French in Russia of 18th Century” and “Francophone Press in Russia”. In 2011-2013 Vladislav was involved in a scientific project on the social history of the French language in Russia at the Bristol University. Since 2013 research fellow of the German Historical Institute in Moscow.

Key research topics: history of nobility education in Europe; history of language learning in Russia of 18th century; social history of the French language in Russia and in Europe in general; geographical mobility of specialists in Europe in 18th century. Weiterlesen

Anna Vyacheslavovna Stogova (ENG)

Stogova photoCandidate (PhD) of historical sciences (2001), “The phenomenon of friendship in the perception and social practices of European intellectuals of the 17th century”. Senior research fellow at the Center for Gender History, Institute of Universal History of Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy chief editor of the gender history almanac “Adam & Eve”. Associate Professor, Department of History and Theory of Culture at Socio-Cultural Research department of Russian State Humanitarian University.

Scientific interests: Early Modern history, intellectual history, Early Modern culture, history of perceptions, everyday history, micro-history, gender history, social history. Main area of research – perceptions and social practices of communication in early Modern Europe (perceptions and practices of friendship, norms and practices of epistolary communication, private communication space, ideals of sociability, gender stereotypes of communication, etc.).


Mikhail Kiselev and Anastasia Krivoruchko (ENG)

Kiselev photo Candidate (Ph. D.) of Historical Sciences, Research Officer at Editional Archeography Laboratory at the Institute of Humanities and Arts of Ural Federal University and Institute of History and Archeology of Ural Branch of RAS.

Research interests: history of Russian political and social concepts of modern history, government administration of Russia in the 18th century.


Olga Kosheleva (ENG)

Kosheleva photoLeading Researcher at Historical Anthropology and History of Everyday Life Center of RAS Universal History Institute, Doctor of Historical Sciences.

Research interests: history of Russia in 17th-18th centuries, everyday history, education and enlightenment history, childhood history, historical research methodology.

Member of editorial board of ‘Odissei. Chelovek v istorii’ (Odysseus. Man in History) yearbook.


Jean-Luc Le Cam (ENG)

le camJean-Luc Le Cam, Associate Professor in Early Modern History at  University of Western Brittany (Université de Bretagne Occidentale), Brest, France, Researcher at the CRBC (Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique)

Studies in Ecole Normale Supérieure de Saint-Cloud, Universities of Nanterre (Paris X), Göttingen, and Paris IV-Sorbonne. Doctorate of History in Paris IV-Sorbonne.

Member (hon.) of the Institut Universitaire de France, of the redaction board of the review Histoire de l’Education, of the board of the German Arbeitskreis für die Vormoderne in der Erziehungsgeschichte

Domains of research: History of Education, Early Modern Lutheranism, History of the Holy Empire, History of Universities, History of Death, History of Books

