Olga Solodyankina: “Educational Ideals and Practices in the Sheremetev Family (18th – Early 19th Century)”

Many outstanding figures of Russian history and culture as well as dignified representatives of the Russian nobility belonged to the Sheremetev Family. The family preferred home tutoring for their children. Olga Solodyankina examines sources that give insight into the requirements for tutors, the content of their teaching, their pay and the involvement of the parents.

You can find the entire abstract here.

Livestream: V. What Do Sources Tell Us?

Chair: Sandra Dahlke

15:30 – 16:45 

  1. SOLODIANKINA Olga (Cherepovets), Educational Ideals and Practices in the Sheremetiev Family (18th – Early 19th Century) (RUS)
  2. LAVRINOVITCH Maya (Moscow), ‘… You Will Find in Your Masters Your Protectors and in the Children Entrusted to You – Your Friends’: How a ‘New Breed’ of Governesses for Noble Children was Trained at the Beginning of the 19th Century (RUS)
  3. REDIN Dmitri (Ekaterinburg), How Ivan Vasilievich Was Brought Up (Short Story by V.A. Sollogub ‘Tarantas’) and Noble Education in the Russian Literature of the First Half of the 19th Century (RUS)

V. Что говорят нам источники?
Председатель: Сандра Дальке

  1. СОЛОДЯНКИНА Ольга (Череповец), Воспитательные идеалы и практики рода Шереметевых (XVIII – начало XIX в.) (RUS)
  2. ЛАВРИНОВИЧ Майя (Москва), ‘… Вы найдете в господах ваших покровителей, а в вверенных вам детях – друзей…’: как готовили «новую породу» гувернанток для дворянских детей в начале XIX века (RUS)
  3. РЕДИН Дмитрий (Екатеринбург), Как воспитывали Ивана Васильевича (повесть В.А. Соллогуба ‘Тарантас’) и проблемы дворянского воспитания в русской художественной прозе первой половины XIX в. (RUS)